Tuesday, January 29, 2013

isProjectSetup = true;

A lots of steps for amazon employees, a kinda big step for me: I received the book that should help me get started! It's called "Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript: Beginner's Guide" and it's written by Rachel Cordone.

So far, so good: I finished the first chapter, installed everything and created a new project with the UDK. I also created my first custom actor, added it to the example map, and made it print a nice Hello World message in the log. Traditions have been observed.

Well now! Time to delve deeper into UnrealScript, and concurrently, to start thinking about a game idea. I found some video game name or theme generators, some being more interesting than others:


I might go with the second one, since the problem with the other ones is that they might be slightly too descriptive, and I want my creative freedom so I can do my own crap (which hopefully will get better as I practice ;) but I've seen and heard enough that I'm not expecting my first 10 or 100 designs to be awesome).

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